Am I Really Saved?

April 16, 2023

Speaker: Wade Wells

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I am not saved because of my ability to do all of the right things and to not do all of the wrong things. Rather, I am saved because God loves me, gave Himself for me by sending Jesus to pay the price for my sin, and freely gives me His gift of grace because He wants me to be with Him.

Accepting this truth gives me a great sense of peace and causes a shift in my focus. No longer do I live my life in fear that I am not really saved because I stumble from time to time and am unworthy of God’s gift. Instead, I focus on God’s love for me and I am at peace because I know that God knows my heart, understands my inner struggles, and saves me even though I am unworthy.

This peace, which surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7), leads me to serve my Lord no longer out of fear, but because I love Him and want to please him. It becomes my natural response to his love for me. It is the only response that makes any sense.